Thursday, May 25, 2006

Welcome to the world of "Plastic Money"

Well, 'life' (or should I say professional life) just taught me another lesson, and guess what.....the importance of credit cards !!!I might love looking at the latest cell phones, or digicams or whatever new technology brings to the door, but when it comes to money, let's say i've been very conservative about it. Some people (as I off-late realized) would consider adjectives like "orthdox" or "ancient" more fitting.
Well the story goes like this....I had to go to UK on a business trip, and got a mail from our travel desk asking for my credit card details (I was told they needed it for the hotel booking)I did the obvious thing - picked up the phone and called them to say I didnt have one. "You don't have a credit card !!! must be having a debit card ?????". Poor me again replied in negative. "Oh, you don't have any debit card or credit card whatsoever ??????" (it sounded more like saying don't tell me you don't brush your teeth in the morning :)) )
I suddenly felt I belonged to the neanderthal ages living in 21st century :(((
The hotel could not be booked without a card, so for the time being they accepted one of my family member's card number.
But I had to act fast to, sort of, upgrade myself to modern civilization standards.So there I was, actually hunting for an age old mail from citibank offering some bloody lifetime free card.I couldnt believe i was actually waiting for a call from one of those credit card guys, the same bunch of "morons" (that's the category i earlier put them in), whose calls I used to respond to like some unwanted intrusion in my life.
Anyways, I've now applied for a card and waiting for it to arrive and uplift me from my stone age status.
Congragulate me on entering the world of "plastic money" (though I'm still not sure i'll be confident of using the damn thing once I have it :)) ) !!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

"New Joinee"

Ever felt the need to re-define/ re-construct ur identity ?
From scratch?

thats precisely what i am going thru at the moment, having switched over to a new organization.

new ppl. the search for friends amongnst unfamiliar new faces
search for recognition and for the fresh acknowledgement of one's ability

all this, and added to it the excitement to learn new things

well, a mixed feeling it sure is !!!